Instructions to Authors

Papers submitted to the Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer (IJBC) which do not adhere to the “Instruction for Author”, will be returned for appropriate revision to be in line with the guidance of this Instruction. They may then be resubmitted. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form and language, without the written consent of the publisher.

Articles Categories:
IJBC accepts the following categories of articles:
1- Original articles are scientific reports of the original research studies. These articles consist of Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of interest, and References.
2- Review articles involve the overall study of a new scientific topic. These are usually solicited by the editors, but we will consider unsolicited materials too. Unsolicited review articles will undergo an editorial process. Review articles would be approved for publication if submitted by qualified experts with research experience in the relevant field. The corresponding author of the review article must be one of the authors of at least three articles appearing in the references. The number of references should not be less than 50. These articles consist of Abstract (does not need to be structured), Introduction, Methods (this section consists of the access methods to all of the related references and number of each kind such as a book, journal, web page, etc.), Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of interest and References.
3- Case reports are published only if the report is of exceptional interest and should present a novel and rare case. These articles consist of an Abstract (structured), Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of interest, and References. Necessary documentation of the case like 1-4 figures, pathology report, laboratory test report, and imaging should be included in the submission package.
4- Brief reports describe significant developments of ongoing research in the field of blood disorders and cancers and contain less scientific data than the original articles. These articles should include an Abstract (does not need to be structured), Introduction, Topic, Discussion and References.
5- Letters to Editor is comments from our readers on recently published articles.

The manuscript must be submitted only via electronic submission and accompanied by a cover­ing let­ter to the Editor-in -Chief that signed and dated by corresponding author including title and au­thor(s) name and undertaking that it has not been pub­lished or submitted elsewhere. Also, authors must declare that it is being exclusively contributed to IJBC. In the cases which the manuscript was earlier submitted to some other journals and was rejected, the authors must provide full information for proper analysis. The text should be submitted in Microsoft Word format as an attachment. The manuscript should be typed in a Times New Roman font size of at least 10 points and double space of lines with clear margins of at least 2/5 cm on both sides. Tables as well as illustrations should be typed and drawn on a separate paper. Do not upload pictures and tables in Word filesscanscopies, as scan, copy or photographs of them. The figures should be sent in a format of JPEG or PNG which will produce high-quality images in the online edition of the journal.

Preparation of manuscripts:
 The papers should be set based on the following pattern. Please note that the pages or sections that are listed in the following pattern, should be in one file, not in some separate files.

1- The title page
The complete title of the manuscript, the full name of all the authors with their highest qualifications, the department or institution to which they are attached, and address for correspondence with telephone numbers, e-mail, and Fax numbers in English.

2- The Abstract
All original articles must accompany a structured abstract of up to 250 words. It should be structured as objective, Materials & Methods, Results, and Conclusion followed by 3 to 5 Keywords. Keywords will assist indexers in cross-indexing the article as they are published with abstracts. Use terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of index medicus ( Authors need to be careful that the abstract reflects the content of the article accurately.

3- Introduction
This should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it have data or conclusions of the study.

4- Materials & Methods
This should include exact method or observation or experiment and must refer to the research methodology, subject, their selection and control, age, gender and other relevant characteristic, lab materials and tools and their validity and reliability. If an apparatus is used, its manufacturer’s name and address should be given in parenthesis. If the method is established, give reference but if the method is new, give enough information so that another author is able to perform it. If a drug is used, its generic name, dose and route of administration must be given. For patients, age, sex with mean age ± standard deviation must be given. Statistical methods must be mentioned and specify any general computer programme used. The Info system used should be clearly mentioned.

4-1- Highlights

In the Highlights part, you have to provide a summary of the key points of your article in the form of BULLET. Highlights are 3-5 result-oriented points that provide readers with an at-a-glance overview of the main findings of your article. Think of them as a quick snippet of the results short and sweet. Each Highlight must be 85 characters or fewer, including spaces, and the Highlights together must clearly convey the result of the study.
Plain Language Summary
In this section, you have to provide a Plain Language Summary for the article in 200-300 words. Consider that Plain Language Summary is different from abstract and it has to be written for non-specialists. To provide it, consider the following points: 1. think about your audience (e.g. journalists, science-interested public), 2. Get rid of jargon, 3. Explain what the study is about. Remember, others will need more context about what you studied, 4. Explain what you found, 5. Explain why this matters. Discuss the importance of these findings not just in terms of their implications for your field but in terms of their relevance to the public.

4-2- Authors’ contribution
In this section, you have to provide the contributor role of each author on these divisions:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal Analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data Curation, Writing Original Draft Preparation, Writing Review & Editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project Administration, Funding Acquisition.
The example below shows the Author's and  Contributions:
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Methodology, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Investigation, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Writing – Original Draft, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Writing – Review & Editing, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Funding Acquisition, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Resources, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors]; Supervision, Author names [A, B, C, or all authors].

4-3- Ethical considerations
IJBC has engaged to apply ethics of research, based on the  Declaration of Helsinki: Statement of Ethical Principles for Medical Research. So, the research’s ethical considerations must be addressed in the Materials and Methods section. 

4-4- Plagiarism
In any case of plagiarism, which is brought to the journal’s editor's attention and accompanied by convincing evidence, we act based on flowcharts and workflows determined in COPE. Meanwhile, to detect and prevent plagiarism in the journal articles, all submissions will be checked with iThenticate softwere in both stages of submission and acceptance.

5- Results
It must be presented in the form of text, tables, and illustrations. The contents of the tables should not be repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given. The accurate value of probability values in statistical analyzes should be presented. Long articles may need sub-headings within some sections (especially the Results and Discussion parts) to clarify their contents.

6- Discussion
This should emphasize the present findings and the variations or similarities with other work done in the field by other workers. The detailed data should not be repeated in the discussion again. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. It must be mentioned whether the hypothesis mentioned in the article is true, false or no conclusions can be derived.

 7- Conclusion
It should include the final outcome of the research.

8- Acknowledgement
All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgment section. It should include persons who provided technical help, writing assistance, and a departmental head that only provided general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged.

9- Tables
Should be submitted with the captions placed above and the number of them should not exceed 6. Do not submit tables as photographs. Place explanatory matters in footnotes, not in the heading. The tables should be repeated in separate pages at the end of the manuscript in addition to the text.

10- Figures
Should be in limited numbers, with high-quality artwork, and mounted on separate pages at the end of the manuscript, of course, can be repeated in the text. The cap­tions should be placed below. The same data should not be presented in tables, fig­ures, and text, simultane­ously.

11- References
All manuscripts should be accompanied by relevant references. The author should ensure reference to locally published studies by doing a proper literature search. It may not be possible for the editor and reviewers to check the accuracy of all reference citations. To minimize such errors author should verify references against the original documents. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic information. Personal communications and unpublished data including manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publication should not be used as a reference but may be mentioned in parentheses in the text. The references are cited numerically (in parentheses) in the text and listed in the bibliography by the order of their sequence and appearance and based on Vancouver style. All Persian references should be written in English. Complete information should be given for each reference and the following guidelines must be followed (please attention to the punctuation of examples):

11-1- Journal
Surname and initials of authors (in the case of seven or more authors, the names of the first six authors followed by et al should be listed), the title of the paper, running title of journal [should be abbreviated in accordance with Index Medicus (see list printed annually in the January issue of Index Medicus) and if a journal is not listed in Index Medicus then its name should be written out in full], publication year, Volume, issue number, and related pages.
 1- Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black RJ, Masuyer E, Freiedle HP, Ivanon E, et al. Childhood Leukemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 years follow – up. Br J Cancer 1996; 73 (8): 1006-12.
 2- Balu R, Shanbag P, More V, Vaidya M. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2004; 71 (11): 1035-38.

11-2- Book 
Surnames and initials of authors, the title of the and book, publication sequence, city of publication, publisher, publication year, related pages.
 Billette J. Cardiac electrophysiology. Second edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company; 1995, pp: 216-228.

  • Chapter in a book: Surnames and initials of section authors, chapter title, surnames and initials of book authors, book title, publication sequence, city of publication, publisher, publication year, related pages.

Landsberg L, Young JB. Pheochromocytoma. In: Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Isselbacher KJ, Wilson JD, Martin JB, Kasper DL, et al. Harison’s principles of internal medicine. 14th Ed. New York: McGraw – Hill; 1998, pp: 2057-2060.

11-3- Translated book 
Surnames and initials of authors, book title, surnames and initials of translators, publication sequence, city of publication, publisher, publication year, and related pages.

11-4- Thesis 
Surname and initial of the author, thesis title, academic certificate, city of education, faculty name, university name, education year, and Post–hospital-related pages.
 Kaplan SJ. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly access and utilization [Ph.D. dissertation], St. Louis (MO), Nursing Faculty, Washington Univ; 1995, pp: 57-61.

 11-5- Electronic References
 I- Electronic Journal: Surnames and initials of authors, paper title, running title of electronic journal, type of media that in this case (electronic journal) should be written [serial online], publication year and month, volume number, issue number in parentheses, [pages or screens number]. Available from: web site address. Availability date.
 Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis [Serial online] 1995 Jan – Mor: 1(1): [24 screens]. Available from: URL: [cited Juns 5 1996].
 II- Refer to site: Surnames and initials of authors, paper title, publication year, [pages or screens number]. Available at: web site address. Availability date. Abbreviations and symbols: Use only standard abbre­viations. Avoid using them in the title and ab­stract. The full term for which abbre­viation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a stan­dard unit of measurement.
For more information on the journal reference guideline, please click here.

12. Conflicts of interest
Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer (IJBC), published by the Iranian Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Society (IPHOS) for Scientific Communication, is committed to applying ICMJE recommendation on “Author Responsibilities Conflicts of Interest”  in authors’ conflict of interest issues. Authors should disclose, at the time of submission, information on financial conflicts of interest or other interests that may influence the manuscript. Authors should declare sources of funding for the work undertaken, too. So, completing and signing the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest is necessary for all authors and the articles submission won’t be accepted without filling this form.

Peer-review process
 All manuscripts are considered to be confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least 2 anonymous reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor's decision to accept, reject, or require modifications. If the manuscript is completely acceptable according to the criteria set forth in these instructions, it is scheduled for the next available issue.
For more information on the journal peer review process, please click here.

The final revised paper is sent to the corresponding author for proof-reading before publication in order to avoid any mistakes. Corrections should be marked clearly and sent immediately to the Journal office.

Disposal of material
Once published, all copies of the manuscript, correspondence, and artwork will be held for 6 months before disposal.

Under Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing (June 20, 2003), IJBC is fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license (CC-BY-NC). Authors retain the copyright of their work and can deposit their publication in any repository. This means that articles can be freely redistributed and reused by the author and others as long as the article is properly cited. Published articles in the IJBC can be deposited immediately into an online repository or social network without any cost. IJBC articles can be emailed to colleagues, printed, archived in a collection, included in course packs, and distributed without restrictions. Please read the full Creative Commons license for further information. 

Final Checklist
 The authors must ensure that before submitting the manuscript for publication, they have taken care of the following:
 1. Title page should contain the title, name of the author/co-authors, their qualifications, designation & institutions they are affiliated with and a mailing address for future correspondence, E-mail address, Phone & Fax number (both in Persian and English languages).
 2. Abstract in Structured format up to 250 words.
 3. References are mentioned as stated in the Instruction to Authors section.
 4. Tables should be repeated on separate pages at the end of the Word file.
 5. Make sure to Headings of Tables, their numbers, and Captions of illustrations. Don’t repeat the information in tables if it is covered in the text.
 6. Photographs/illustrations along with their captions.
 7. Disclosure regarding source of funding and conflict of interest if any besides approval of the study from respective Ethics Committee/Institution Review Board.
 8. Covering Letter by correspondent author and Letter of Undertaking signed by all the authors.


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