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The Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer (IJBC) serves as the prestigious official scientific quarterly journal of the Iranian Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Society (IPHOS). IJBC which is indexed in Scopus, is accessible through online platforms, offering a remarkable compilation of scholarly manuscripts that delve into diverse dimensions of blood disorders and cancers. The journal warmly welcomes submissions of original papers, reviews, case reports, and letters to the Editor that revolve around the intricate realms of blood disorders and human malignancies. It is worth noting that the journal imposes no charges for manuscript submission, and authors are not subject to additional fees based on the length of their articles, inclusion of figures, or supplementary data.
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Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer

2024، Volume 16، Number 2

Print ISSN: 2008-4595

Online ISSN: 2008-4609

Chairman: Mohammad Saeid Rahiminejad, MD

Editor-in-Chief: Hassan Abolghasemi, MD

Associate Editors: Davood Bashash, Ph.D ; Mohammad Faranoosh, MD

BCR-ABL positive T cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL): Exploring A Rare Case with A Comprehensive Review

Setare Kheyrandish and colleagues reported an unusual case of CD4+/CD8+ BCR-ABL+ T-ALL in an 11-year-old male from Iran, providing a comprehensive overview of his medical history, laboratory results, and treatment regimen. The patient exhibited symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, splenomegaly, anemia, leukocytosis, and significant thrombocytopenia. The blood smear analysis revealed a predominance of irregular, convoluted, and cleaved nuclear blasts characterized by fine chromatin. The treatment protocol included imatinib in conjunction with induction chemotherapy. Following a two-month treatment period, the patient attained complete remission, with Minimal/Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) levels being undetectable. By outlining the patient's clinical features and necessary diagnostic evaluations, this manuscript enhances the understanding of this intricate disease subtype. Additionally, through the examination and comparison of this case with existing literature, the research establishes a foundation for improved characterization of the disease and the formulation of more effective treatment approaches. The full-text of their article is available for download here.


Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia Patients
In recent years, the health-related quality of life and management of patients suffering from thalassemia have seen considerable advancements, primarily due to the implementation of standard treatments and the availability of safe blood transfusions, complemented by effective chelation therapy aimed at mitigating iron overload. Transfusion-dependent thalassemia is linked to various skeletal deformities, notably osteoporosis, which poses a significant morbidity risk for these individuals. Osteoporosis is defined by diminished bone mass and an elevated likelihood of fractures, especially in the lumbar region and among patients experiencing extramedullary hematopoiesis. In light of the significant occurrence of thalassemia-related osteoporosis in Iran and the associated challenges it poses to both individuals and the healthcare system, Mojtaba Malek et al. established a national protocol aimed at preventing the progression of this condition, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment. The full-text of their article is available for download here.

Harnessing the Power of MAGE Proteins in Cancer Immunotherapy for Multiple Myeloma
This document is a comprehensive review that focuses on the role of melanoma-associated antigen genes (MAGE) family proteins in cancer, with a specific emphasis on their involvement in multiple myeloma (MM). The expression patterns of MAGE proteins in different tissues and their association with critical cellular processes such as cell cycle progression, apoptosis, and gene expression regulation were discussed. The document also highlighted the potential utility of MAGE proteins in cancer immunotherapy, including their use in prognosis and the development of MAGE-based cancer vaccines. The full-text of the article is available for download here,


Journal Information

  • Journal Title:                                               Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer
  • Publisher:                                                                            Iranian Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Society
  • Print ISSN:                                                                   2008-4595
  • Online ISSN:                                                                    2008-4609
  • Release interval:                                                              Quarterly
  • Journal language:                                                             English
  • Chairman:                                                                           Dr. Mohammad Saeid Rahiminejad
  • Editor-in-Chief:                                                              Dr. Hassan Abolghasemi
  • Associate Editors:                                                             Dr.Davood Bashash; Dr. Mohammad Faranoosh
  • Executive Editor:                                                          Amir-Mohammad Yousefi
  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 16، Number 2

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